
Bedbugs are more common than ever in the U.K due to the increase in travel, the rise in people buying second hand furniture, their resistance to a range of chemicals, and the rapid growth in multiple occupancy accommodation such as student housing, youth hostels, and hotels.

Adult Bedbugs look similar to a small brown disc, measuring up to 6mm in length. They live as close to the host as possible so will be found living on the mattress of the bed, in gaps in the bed frame, around the bedroom behind gaps in the wallpaper, around skirting boards, and other undisturbed areas.

Typical Bedbug signs include Fecal spots- these are small black spots usually on your mattress or bed frame, they indicate Bedbug presence. Another common sign is blood spots on your bedding from either Bedbugs feeding or from crushed bugs. If you look closely on your mattress or bed frame you may also see adult Bedbugs or eggs.

They are mainly active at night coming out to feed on the blood of the host. While Bedbugs are not known for spreading disease their bites cause swelling and irritation and can become infected if scratching them.

Bed bugs will lay 200 - 500 eggs over a 2 month period, they can survive for several weeks without feeding and will live up to a year meaning immediate control is an absolute necessity.


Bedbugs are very hard to eradicate completely without professional equipment, chemicals and knowledge therefore it is advisable to contact a professional pest controller rather than taking the DIY approach.

Usually insecticide treatments will eliminate Bedbugs however multiple visits may be required, all clothing and bedding should be washed on a hot 60 degrees cycle to kill any eggs that may have been laid.

Contact us to arrange an appointment or visit our Price List for pricing information.


Within the U.K we have many different fly species, most of which do not cause any issues in our day to day lives. Depending on the species of Fly often the best treatment is to remove the food source or breeding location and the issue will resolve itself.

Common Fly issues that we deal with include Cluster Flies which tend to become an issue over winter as they look to hibernate inside loft spaces; other common Fly species within U.K pest control include Drain Flies, Fruit Flies, and Blue Bottles. We also provide effective cover for Flies to businesses and catering establishments.


Treatment of Flies depends upon the species, their behaviour, and life cycle. It usually involves a combination of fumigation, exclusion, and removal of food sources and breeding material. Feel free to contact us for identification of the species so that we can advise an effective solution or treatment.

Contact us to arrange an appointment or visit our Price List for pricing information.

Bugs and Insects

Expert pest control in Rugby, Coventry, & Lutterworth

Although they are the smallest, bugs and insects tend to be the pests we dislike the most. RDB Pest Control has the expertise and experience to identify the causes of infestations then eradicate them using the most effective treatments and advise on preventing re-occurrences.

We carry out Wasp Nest Removal, spray treatments for Ants, Fleas, Cockroaches and Bedbugs, as well as fumigations for Fly infestations.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Wasp Nest Removal in Rugby


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Cockroach pest control in Warwickshire


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Bedbug treatments in Rugby


Bedbugs are more common than ever in the UK due to the increase in travel, the rise in people buying second hand furniture, their resistance to a range of chemicals, and the rapid growth in multiple occupancy accommodation.

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Vermin pest control in Rugby


The U.K has many different Fly species, Cluster Flies become a nuisance in winter months whereas other Fly species can be a problem in summer months. Flies are well known for being spreaders of various nasty bacteria.

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